米代川の北岸に位置する白根金山は、尾去沢に先んじて産金で繁栄し、後に小真木鉱山として銅鉱を産出します。 三菱のもとでは細地、大葛鉱山などとともに尾去沢の支山とされました。
1978 年閉山
Osarizawa Mine
Shirane Gold Mine, situated on the north bank of the Yoneshiro River, was known as a gold mine predating Osarizawa Mine and later produced copper ore as Komaki Mine. The mine, along with Hosoji, Okuzo, and other mines, was operated as part of Osarizawa Mine under the management of Mitsubishi.
closure in 1978
Shishizawa, Osarizawa, Kazuno City, Akita
copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc