戦況が悪化する中、尾去沢では軍需省の要請のもとに月産 10 万 t の増産体制が敷かれ、朝鮮人 687 名が徴用された他、中国人 498 名、連合軍捕虜 545 名が過酷な労働を強いられました。
1978 年閉山
Osarizawa Mine
Toward the end of the Pacific War, the company expanded production capacity to 100,000 tonnes per month in response to demand from the Ministry of Munitions. Around the same period, 687 Koreans, 498 Chinese, and 545 Allied prisoners of war were compelled to work.
closure in 1978
Shishizawa, Osarizawa, Kazuno City, Akita
copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc