鉱床は加治川上流の左岸に分布し、場割沢、簀立沢、水無沢、籠久保沢、源兵衛野巣の 5 鉱床群からなります。 赤谷の鉱石は雲母鉄鉱を主体とし、古くは雲母鉑として土壁や襖などの装飾に用いられました。
1977 年閉山
Akatani Mine
The mine had five groups of ore deposits, namely, Bawarisawa, Sudachizawa, Mizunashizawa, Kagokubozawa, and Genpeinosu, on the left bank of the Kaji River. The iron ore of the mine consisted of micaceous hematite. The hematite, referred to as "Kirahaku", was used as a decorative material for Japanese sliding partitions called "Fusuma" and mud walls.
closure in 1977
Higashi-Akatani, Shibata City, Niigata
iron, copper