

金山としての歴史は古く、地域一帯で産出された金は本吉金と呼ばれ、平安末期に奥州平泉の黄金文化を支えたと伝えられます。 江戸期に入ると仙台藩の重要な財源として位置づけられ、藩の財政を潤しました。 1905 年(明治 38 年)に地元の水産家 鈴木哲朗が試掘鉱区を設定して探鉱を実施し、後に経営は三度にわたる変遷を経て 1925 年(大正 14 年)に久原鉱業へ移ります。 日本産業に改称された翌年の 1929 年(昭和 4 年)に鉱業部門を分離して設立された日本鉱業が事業を継承し、後に選鉱場を設置して増強を重ねました。 1942 年(昭和 17 年)には 1 t 余りの産金量を記録し、坑道の総延長は 55 km に及び、従業員数は 1,303 名を数えるまでに発展します。 周辺では鉱員住宅の他、学校や娯楽施設を備えた町が築かれて賑わいを見せました。 こうした中、政府は戦時下における重要鉱物資源の開発と増産を促進するため、1939 年(昭和 14 年)に国策会社として帝国鉱業開発を設立します。 さらに、海外からの原油や軍需資材の輸出削減を受けて 1943 年(昭和 18 年)に金山整備令を制定し、国内の金山を閉鎖して設備や労働力を軍需鉱山に転用しました。 これに伴って大谷は休山を余儀なくされ、全施設を撤去して全鉱区を帝国鉱業開発に移譲します。 終戦後の 1949 年(昭和 24 年)に日本鉱業は鉱区を買い戻して翌年に操業を再開し、後に青化製錬所を完成させました。 1962 年(昭和 37 年)に大谷鉱業所を分離して設立された大谷鉱山株式会社が事業を引き継ぎますが、後に資源の枯渇から閉山を迎えます。 周辺には 1961 年(昭和 36 年)建造の選鉱場跡が今も残ります。

1976 年閉山

Oya Mine

The mine has a long history as a gold mine. Gold mined in this region was referred to as "Motoyoshi-Kin" and supported the golden culture of Hiraizumi in Oshu from the late 11th century to the 12th century. Later, the mine contributed to the Sendai Domain as an important financial source from the 17th century to the middle of the 19th century. Subsequently, Tetsuro Suzuki, a local fishery businessman, began mineral exploration in a prospecting area in 1905. After mining rights were transferred three times, Kuhara Mining Co., Ltd., later Nippon Sangyo Co., Ltd., acquired the rights in 1925. The company separated its mining division and transferred the mine management to newly formed Nippon Mining Co., Ltd. in 1929. Later, the new company constructed a beneficiation plant and expanded its equipment. In 1942, the mine produced over one tonne of gold, and a total length of the mine tunnels reached 55 kilometers. Additionally, the number of employees reached 1,303, and a mining town formed around the mine included miners' row houses, schools, and recreational facilities, and it prospered. In 1939, the government established Empire Mining Development Co., Ltd. under national policy, which intended to promote the development and an increase in production of important mineral resources in wartime. After importation of crude oil and war materials stopped, the government closed domestic gold mines and repurposed their equipment and labor for munitions production at other mines by the Policy on the Arrangement of the Gold Mining Industry in 1943. Accordingly, Oya Mine suspended operations the same year, and all of facilities and mining areas were transferred to Empire Mining Development Co., Ltd. After the war, Nippon Mining Co., Ltd. regained them in 1949. The company resumed operations the following year and built a cyanide leaching plant later. In 1962, Oya Mining Site became independent as Oya Mine Co., Ltd. and inherited the operation. However, the mine was closed owing to depletion of resources later. The remains of the beneficiation plant, built in 1961, can be seen even now.

closure in 1976


Takasegamori, Motoyoshi Town, Kesennuma City, Miyagi
gold, silver

大谷は鉱脈が集中する本鉱床をはじめ、東に岩尻、西に津谷、南に赤牛、北に一枚山、松岩、矢越、新月、新館などの数多くの鉱床や支山を抱えました。 1964 年(昭和 39 年)には興北鉱業を吸収合併し、興北鉱山を支山に加えて興北鉱業所を開設します。 大谷は埋蔵鉱量の枯渇から 1971 年(昭和 46 年)に操業を休止して興北の浮遊選鉱操業を継続しますが、後に全面閉鎖を迎えることとなりました。

Besides Honko, rich in ore veins, the mine had numerous ore deposits and branch mines, such as Iwajiri in the east, Tsuya in the west, Akaushi in the south, Ichimaiyama, Matsuiwa, Yagoshi, Shingetsu, and Niidate in the north. Oya Mine Co., Ltd. merged with Kohoku Mining Co., Ltd. and established Kohoku Mining Site in 1964. Although Oya Mine discontinued operations owing to depletion of reserves in 1971, beneficiation operations of Kohoku Mining Site was continued. Later, the mining site was shut down.

© 国土地理院

1977 年(昭和 52 年)当時
At the time of 1977

© 国土地理院

2011 年(平成 23 年)当時
At the time of 2011

The Remains Photographed in
Abandoned Oya Mine

大谷鉱山-選鉱場内観 大谷鉱山-選鉱場内観



The Motoyoshi region was known as a gold-producing area from long ago, where numerous gold mines were scattered. Alluvial gold mining was performed near the estuary of the Tsuya River in the early 20th century.

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大谷鉱山-選鉱場 大谷鉱山-選鉱場


休山から操業を再開した後、選鉱場と製錬所を新たに設けて年間 400 kg を超える金を生産しました。

After the resumption of operations, the company constructed a new beneficiation plant and a new cyanide leaching plant. Thereafter, the mine produced over 400 kilograms of gold per year.

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