遠心鋳造法は円筒状の鋳型を高速で回転させ、注湯した溶融金属に遠心力を作用させて加圧、密着させる加工法です。 遠心鋳造鋼管の製造は世界的に未開発の分野であり、考案者の中島は実用化にあたって多くの特許を取得しました。
1943 年閉山
Ominato Mine
The centrifugal casting method is a technique using centrifugal force to exert pressure on molten metal. This is achieved by pouring the molten metal into a cylindrical mold spinning at high-speed. The production of steel tubes using this method was an undeveloped field at that time, and Nakajima, the inventor, obtained numerous patents related to it.
closure in 1943