1936 年(昭和 11 年)に鉱山の北東部に位置する中沢鉱滓ダムが 2 度にわたって決壊し、複数の集落が泥流に襲われます。 301 戸が全半壊し、374 名の死者を出す大惨事となりました。
1978 年閉山
Osarizawa Mine
The Nakazawa Tailings Dam, situated on the northeastern side of the mine, collapsed twice in 1936, causing significant damage to a settlement along the stream. Consequently, the number of completely and partially destroyed houses totaled 301, and the total death toll rose to 374.
closure in 1978
Shishizawa, Osarizawa, Kazuno City, Akita
copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc