

江戸中期の享保年間を起源とし、会津藩政下における銅鉱の採掘や製錬が伝えられ、山腹には往時の旧坑が残ります。 1874 年(明治 7 年)に津川の資産家 平田次八郎が借区権を取得しますが、数年後に休山に至りました。 その後、1902 年(明治 35 年)に新発田の寺田助松が蛍石の採掘中に銅鉱床を発見し、後に採掘権を取得します。 1906 年(明治 39 年)に五泉の実業家 小出淳太が権利を譲り受け、本格的な開発に取り組みました。 阿賀野川の支流 五十母川の両岸では、鉱山事務所と製錬所が設けられ、全長 1,800 m の索道によって上流に置かれた選鉱場と接続されます。 鉱石は坑内から選鉱場まで鉱車を用いて搬出され、手作業による破砕と選別を経た後に索道で製錬所に送られ、粗銅が生産されました。 1913 年(大正 2 年)の出鉱量は 16,791 t、産銅量は 305 t に上り、従業員数は 352 名を数えました。 同年に製品輸送を目的として岩越線(後の磐越西線)に五十島駅が開設された後、1917 年(大正 6 年)の産銅量は 686 t を記録して最盛期を迎えます。 一方、北隣する葎澤坑では 1906 年(明治 39 年)に亜鉛鉱が試掘され、亜鉛電気製錬株式会社によって小規模に操業が行われました。 その後、国内の銅相場が下落する中、1919 年(大正 8 年)に三井鉱山が鉱業権を譲り受けて探鉱に着手しますが、有望な鉱床は発見されることなく、翌年に閉山を迎えます。 終戦後、隣接する五十島鉱山では蛍石の採掘が行われ、持倉の施設跡は 1963 年(昭和 38 年)の五十島鉱山の閉山まで貯鉱場として利用されました。 周辺には製錬後の鉱滓から造られるカラミ煉瓦を用いた鉱山事務所などの施設跡が今も残ります。

1920 年閉山

Mochikura Mine

According to legend, in the administration of the Aizu Domain, copper mining and smelting were performed from the first half of the 18th century, and old workings of the time remain on the mountainside. Although Jihachiro Hirata, a wealthy person from former Tsugawa Town, acquired leasehold rights in 1874, the mine was abandoned several years later. In 1902, Sukematsu Terada from former Shibata Town discovered copper deposits during fluorite mining and later obtained permission for copper mining. Subsequently, Junta Koide, a businessman from former Gosen Town, inherited the rights in 1906 and commenced full-scale development of the mine. Later, a mining office and a smelter were built on both banks of the Isomo River, a tributary of the Agano River. Then an aerial tramway with a length of 1,800 meters connected the smelter to a beneficiation workshop on the upper reaches of the river. Mine cars carried ore out of the mine to the workshop, where the ore was manually crushed. Then the sorted ore was transported to the smelter by aerial tramway, and crude copper was produced. In 1913, the mine produced 16,791 tonnes of crude ore and 305 tonnes of copper, employing 352 people. The same year, Igashima Station on the Gan-Etsu Line, later the Ban-Etsu West Line, opened with the purpose of transportation of products. Subsequently, in the peak year of 1917, the mine produced 686 tonnes of copper. Meanwhile, exploratory drilling for zinc was performed at Mugurasawa to the north of the mine in 1906, and later Zinc Electric Smelting Co., Ltd. operated on a small scale. The mine was transferred to Mitsui Mining Co., Ltd. in 1919 under the effects of a decline in the market price of copper, and mineral exploration began. However, the operations could not bring results, and the mine was closed in the following year. After the war, neighboring Igashima Mine produced fluorite and utilized the old facilities of Mochikura Mine for ore storage until its closure in 1963. The remains of the facilities built of slag brick can still be found today.

closure in 1920


Igashima, Aga Town, Higashi-Kanbara County, Niigata
copper, zinc, silver

坑口は製錬所の南方、五十母川上流の持倉沢右岸に集中し、沢沿いには採鉱事務所や選鉱場が設置されました。 鉱床は本山をはじめ、東華、北星、光盛、山神などの鉱脈群からなり、北隣の葎澤、虚空蔵は後に葎澤鉱山として稼行されます。 明治末期から近代技術の導入が進められ、選鉱を経た鉱石の運搬は人足から索道へ、製品となる粗銅の輸送は舟運から鉄道へと切り替えられて生産量を伸ばしました。

The mine entrances are located on the right bank of the Mochikura Stream to the south of the smelter, and mining facilities, such as a working office and a beneficiation workshop, stood on the stream bank. The ore deposits of the mine had several groups of ore veins, such as Honzan, Toka, Hokusei, Mitsumori, and Yamagami. Meanwhile, Mugurasawa and Kokuzo deposits to the north were worked as Mugurasawa Mine. The introduction of modern technology from the early 20th century led to an increase in production, which included the ore transportation by aerial tramway and the crude copper shipment by railway.

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2014 年(平成 26 年)当時
At the time of 2014
持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所 持倉鉱山-鉱山事務所

Photographed in 2004
Printed in 2005